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Michelle Stafford's Beaded Pink Slip Dress - FABLife Interview, 03/07/16

March 11, 2016

On Monday, Michelle Stafford (Nina Reeves, GH) and Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones, GH) were interviewed on the FABLife. Michelle talked about watching Luke and Laura, and she played a game to make ordinary sentences more soapy sounding. If you missed the interview, you can watch some clips here. During the interview, Michelle was wearing a beaded pink slip dress called the "Pink Starry Night Slip" from Free People. It's currently out of stock online.

Michelle Stafford's Beaded Pink Slip Dress (out of stock). See more Free People Clothing.

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  1. That dress looks so amazing on Michelle! Way better than on the model. Incredible. Thanks for all you do! I feature your site regularly in 2 of my Facebook groups. General Hospital Obsession and GH Fashion & Style.

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