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Kim Nero's Dark Blue Floral Blouse with Black Lace Yoke - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 07/25/18

July 25, 2018

Today on General Hospital, Kim, Jordan, Olivia, Ava, and Alexis encouraged Kiki to pursue her sexual harassment claim against Dr. Bensch and not to give up. Kim and the other women detailed their experiences with sexual harassment in their own careers, and voiced the need for change. During this episode, Kim (Tamara Braun) was wearing a dark mystic blouse floral blouse with a tie neckline and delicate black lace yoke by ALLSAINTS. Kim wore her floral top previously.

Kim Nero, Tamara Braun, Dark Blue Floral Blouse with Black Lace Yoke, General Hospital, GH

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