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Nelle Hayes's Black Faux Leather Military Jacket - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 11/30/16

December 07, 2016

Last week on General Hospital, Nelle drugged Sonny and convinced him that they slept together. Later, Nelle covertly recorded him talking about keeping what happened a secret from Carly. I'm still wondering what Nelle is up to. Any guesses?

During these scenes, Nelle was wearing a black vegan leather military jacket with silver buttons and ribbon lacing at the sides by Free People. It's currently on sale.

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  1. Do you sell any of the jewelry that Ava Jerome wrars. Love her earring the pear she had on todsy 10/5/2020 they were black and white. And the ones she had on awhile back. She wad warring a black skirt and red blouse the earrings were red and black a dangle ring. Would live to have both if possible. Thank you
