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Margaux Dawson's Speckled Navy Blue Tweed Coat - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 12/04/18

January 03, 2019

Last month on General Hospital, Margaux visited her father's gravesite and overheard Sonny talking to Morgan. Margaux was confused when she saw that Sonny had a heart and wasn't pure evil. During this episode, Margaux (Elizabeth Hendrickson) was wearing a navy blue and white tweed coat with multicolored speckles from J. Crew. Along with the navy blue version, Margaux's coat comes in green speckle and yellow speckle. Kiki (RIP) wore the green version of the coat previously.

Margaux Dawson, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Speckled Navy Blue Tweed Coat, General Hospital, GH
Margaux's Speckled Navy Blue Tweed Coat. See more J. Crew Clothing.

Here's another screencap of Margaux's coat with a closer view so you can see the multicolored speckles:

Margaux Dawson, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Speckled Navy Blue Tweed Coat, General Hospital, GH

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