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Nina Reeves's Purple Beaded Tassel Earrings - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 12/29/16

January 12, 2017

On New Year's Eve in Port Charles, Nina asked Valentin to escort her to Maxie and Nathan's wedding. When her brother's wedding was cancelled, Nina and Valentin got married instead. During these scenes, Nina was wearing a pair of purple beaded tassel earrings with a lilac pave stud and cap by BaubleBar. The purple beads have three tones. You can also find them here. In addition, there are black/grey/gold, cobalt blue, blush pink, and silver/blue versions of Nina's earrings.

Nina's Purple Beaded Tassel Earrings. See more BaubleBar Jewelry.

Here's another screencap of the earrings from the January 3rd episode: 

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