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Kim Nero's Navy Blue Peacoat with Red Striped Cuffs - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 11/19/18

December 12, 2018

A few weeks back on General Hospital, Kim and Drew talked outside Kelly's about Oscar. Kim was in denial that Oscar could win his case for emancipation, and Drew insisted that they should be prepared for both possible outcomes. Later, Kim told Drew that she wanted to take Oscar to Brazil for treatment, and she made Julian promise to help her kidnap her son. During these scenes, Kim (Tamara Braun) was wearing a navy blue peacoat with striped red ribbon cuffs by Sandro. Kim wore her double breasted, wool blend coat previously last November.

Kim Nero, Tamara Braun, Navy Blue Peacoat with Red Striped Cuffs, General Hospital, GH

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