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Ava Jerome's Pink and Orange Floral Robe - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 77, 07/17/15

July 17, 2015

On today's episode of GH, Ava slept with Morgan, her daughter Kiki's boyfriend, while wearing a ridiculous wig and calling herself Denise. It's a soap cliche to the max. Franco pounded on the door, and Ava put on a pink and orange floral kimono robe by Natori. A nightgown and a caftan are available in the same print.

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  1. I think I have identified Sam's top from todays episode, 7/21. http://www.freepeople.com/index.cfm/fuseAction/profile.wishList/accountNumber/3578247/

    1. Hi Anon, thanks for your help. Your wishlist is private, so I couldn't view the link, but I found the top with your lead! I'll post on Sam's top shortly.
