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Bobbie Spencer's Red Faux-Wrap Dress - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 82, 07/24/15

July 27, 2015

On Friday's GH, Bobbie shared the sweetest goodbye scenes with her big brother Luke. I just loved them! Later, Bobbie talked with Scotty and Laura. During these scenes, Bobbie was wearing a red print dress by Lauren Ralph Lauren. Bobbie wore the dress previously in November. The red print version is currently out of stock, but the dress is still available in black, black and red floral, green print, black/stone, and navy blue.

 Bobbie's Red Faux-Wrap Dress (out of stock). See more Lauren Ralph Lauren Dresses.

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  1. Hey, I think I found the earrings Valerie has been wearing the past few episodes: http://www1.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/aqua-melinda-linear-earrings?ID=1251489&CategoryID=3628&LinkType=#fn%3Dspp%3D29

    1. Thanks rose hat! I just made a post for Valerie's earrings. :)

  2. Lord and Taylor actually has a few of these left in petite sizes in the store (I work there and recognized it yesterday). They have similar prints in the same color family in all size ranges.
