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Abigail Deveraux's Multistranded Gold Chain Necklace - Days of Our Lives, Season 50, Episode 248, 09/14/15

September 17, 2015

On Tuesday's episode of Days, Abigail talked to Stefano and Chad at the DiMera estate. During these scenes, Abigail was wearing a multistranded gold chain necklace by Natasha. Abigail's statement necklace is on sale right now. See my previous post for info on Abigail's olive green shift dress.

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  1. I love it and the dress too....how much do they cost?

    1. Hi Unknown, just click the pictures of the items you like or the links for items you're interested it, and that will take you directly to the websites of the stores selling Abby's clothes. On the store's website, you can see the current prices, read details about the items, and purchase them if you're interested. Right now, the necklace is $24.99.
