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Lulu Spencer Falconeri's Silver Interlocked Link Drop Earrings - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 11/05/18

November 28, 2018

On this episode of General Hospital, Lulu was concerned when Laura seemed resigned on the day of the mayoral election in Port Charles. Lulu asked Spencer to look at the election returns on his computer to have a moment alone with Laura. Laura then told Lulu that Kevin wanted to end their marriage, and Lulu was angry with Kevin. During this episode, Lulu (Emme Rylan) was wearing a pair of silver earrings with a chain of linked large and small hoops by Argento Vivo. Lulu wore these linked circle earrings previously. They also come in gold.

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Silver Interlocked Link Drop Earrings, General Hospital, GH

Here's a better screenshop of the earrings from GH's November 7th episode:

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Silver Interlocked Link Drop Earrings, General Hospital, GH

See more of Lulu's Clothing from General Hospital.

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